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Privacy Policy


Translaze OÜ a company incorporated under Estonian law with registered offices in Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Estonia (hereinafter, Translaze) — in compliance with the requirements in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter GDPR) and Estonian data protection law — respects and protects the privacy of users of the site referred to as the domain, putting in place every possible and proportionate effort not to harm the rights of its users.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to help users understand the procedures that Translaze uses in the area of privacy, including what personal data is collected, why it is collected, how it is used, how it is protected, and which individual rights users possess.

l. This privacy policy does not apply to, and excludes our responsibility, in terms of privacy, information, or other practices of third parties, including third parties who manage websites or services to which the site refers.

This privacy policy applies to all personal data that Translaze acquires or processes when users interact with the website. Examples include: purchasing and using our services, responding to marketing communications, and contacting Translaze customer service. These interactions may involve visitors, clients, suppliers, and/or partners.

Furthermore, Translaze processes personal data in areas other than the site, which require other privacy policies.

II. General Information on Data Processing

In this privacy policy, the term “personal data” signifies information that refers to users. It allows us to identify users, directly or in combination with other information in our possession.

Users of the Site in General

Translaze processes user data based on consent. By using or consulting Translaze's site, users explicitly agree to this privacy policy and consent to the processing of their personal data in relation to the purposes and methods described below, including any disclosure to third parties, if necessary, for the provision of service. The provision of data and, consequently, the consent to the gathering and processing of data is optional. The user can deny consent, and may revoke consent at any time. However, denying consent may make it impossible to provide certain services and the browsing experience on the site may be compromised.


Translaze shall do everything possible, consistent with the electronic form of service, to maintain the utmost confidentiality in its performance of services. All texts, the nature of the work performed, the personal data of the client communicated for translation purposes, and any information transmitted by the client to Translaze are subject to the strictest confidentiality and the personal data collected shall be processed in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR.

In particular, Translaze shall use the information provided for the execution of the contract (and for the eventual implementation of pre-contractual measures) and such information can not — without the prior written consent of the client — be disclosed publicly or to third parties, except to its authorized employees or their authorized subcontractors, should their operational or advisory intervention require knowledge of such information. 


The above guarantees do not apply if Translaze is obliged by law to disclose such information, or in the event that such information is, or enters, in the public domain regardless of the disclosure of the same by Translaze. This similarly applies to cases in which the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person require the processing of personal data, or where the processing is necessary for the protection of a legitimate interest of Translaze or third parties, which is of a higher nature than the rights of the data subject.

Suppliers and Collaborators

The personal data of our freelance suppliers and collaborators (suppliers, translators, interpreters, graphic designers, affiliates, consultants, etc.) shall be treated in strict confidence. The only information that shall be communicated to third parties is the information published on our site, such as username, mother tongue, work experience, and studies. Other information such as first name, last name, date of birth, addresses, and telephone numbers shall be processed only by Translaze and its authorized suppliers (i.e., accountants, banks, etc.), exclusively for the purpose of the correct execution of the employment relationship with the same and fulfillment of any legal obligations.

III. Automatically Collected Information. Web Browsing Data

As with all websites, this site also makes use of log files in which information from user visits is automatically collected and stored. The information collected could include the following:

   Internet Protocol (IP) Address
   Type of browser and device parameters used to connect to the site
   Name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP)
   Date and time of visit/request
   Number of clicks, where applicable
   Method used to submit the request to the server
   Size of the file obtained in response
   Digital code indicating the status of the response given by the server
   Other parameters related to the operating system and the user's IT environment

The information listed above is handled automatically and collected in an exclusively aggregated form in order to verify the correct functioning of the site, and for security reasons. For the purposes of security (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), automatically registered data may also include personal data such as IP address (the one that uniquely identifies, at least at that time, the host of origin), which could be used — in compliance with the laws in force on the subject — to block attempts to damage the site, harm other users, the carrying out of malicious activities, and activities that constitute a crime. This type of data is used to protect the site and its users.

The listed data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning. Consequently, data is deleted immediately after processing. The data used for security purposes (the blocking of attempts to damage the site) is kept for seven days.

IV. Use of Cookies

Definition of Cookies

A cookie is a small text file sent to the browser by the visited website and then stored on the hard disk of the user's computer. When you connect to the website again, cookies are read back and recognized by the website that sent them. While visiting a website, you may receive cookies from a third-party website (so-called “third-party cookies”), for example, links to web pages of other domains.

Cookies can be used for different purposes, such as allowing a website to recognize a user's device, or monitoring sessions and storing specific information about users accessing the server.

Types of Cookies

Technical Cookies are necessary for a website to function properly and to allow a user to make use of a service.

Functional Cookies are used to facilitate website navigation, to store selected settings, and to provide customized features.

Analytical Cookies are used by websites to collect information on usage habits, visited pages, and any errors that may occur during browsing. These cookies do not collect information that could identify the user's computer. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

By using the site, the visitor expressly consents to the use of cookies.

Disabling Cookies

Cookies are associated with the browser and can be disabled at any time directly from the browser, thereby refusing/withdrawing consent for the use of cookies. It should be noted that disabling cookies may prevent the proper use of some features on the site.

Each browser has a different procedure for managing settings. Below are specific instructions for each browser:

   How to manage cookies in Internet Explorer
   How to delete cookies in Internet Explorer
   How to manage cookies in Firefox
   How to delete cookies in Firefox
   How to manage cookies in Chrome
   How to manage cookies in Safari and iOS

V. Third-Party Cookies

This site also acts as an intermediary for third-party cookies, which are used to provide additional services and features to users. These also improve user experience of the site via such things as buttons for social media, or videos. This site has no control over the cookies of third parties—they are entirely managed by third parties. 

Social Network

This website also incorporates plugins and/or buttons for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when users access the page in order to safeguard the privacy of users. Cookies may be set, if so provided by the social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Please note that if the user browses the website while logged in to the social network, then he/she has already given consent to the use of cookies conveyed through this site at the time of registration to the social network.

The collection and use of the data obtained by means of the plugins are regulated by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which reference should be made.


VI. Newsletter and email

Users may receive emails from Translaze for various reasons, such as for the confirmation of an order or the confirmation of the Newsletter subscription, or to receive information on Translaze services. Furthermore, for the purpose of optimizing and adapting our offerings, we track (for example with the so-called “Tracking-Pixel”) whether an email has been opened and which links within the email have been clicked. We use this data to be able to send Newsletter content that is tailored to the Customer.

Users may reject these types of processing by accessing, where, for example, they may change their online profile, or cancel the subscription to our Newsletter, or contact the Data Controller at the address below.

VII. Data Processing Location

The data collected by this site is processed at the headquarters of the Data Controller and at the web hosting data center. The web hosting, Wix, which is responsible for the processing of data, and handles data on behalf of the Data Controller, is located in the European Economic Area and acts in accordance with European standards.

VIII. Transfer of Data in Non-EU Countries

This site may share some of the collected data with services located outside the European Union area. In particular with Google, Facebook, and Microsoft (LinkedIn) through social plugins and Google Analytics. The transfer is authorized on the basis of specific rulings of the European Union and the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, in particular, ruling 1250/2016 (Privacy Shield), for which no further consent is required. The companies mentioned above guarantee their adherence to the Privacy Shield.

IX. Safety Measures

This site processes the data of users in a lawful and proper manner, adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of data. Processing is carried out by using computer and/or electronic tools, using appropriate measures at the organizational, technical, and administrative level in order to protect personal data within our company, using criteria strictly related to the purposes stated. However, no data transmission and no storage system can be guaranteed as 100% secure. Users who have reason to believe that their interactions with us are no longer secure are asked to kindly report the issue immediately.

In addition to the Data Controller, in certain cases other parties involved in the running of the website may have access to stored personal data (administrative, sales, legal department, and system administrator personnel) or external individuals (such as third-party technical service providers, mail couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, and communication agencies) which may, if necessary, be appointed by the Data Controller to handle personal data.

The personal data of users shall be kept for as long as necessary, or permitted, in light of the purposes for which it is collected. The criteria adopted for determining storage times are as follows: (i) the period of time in which users regularly use the site; (ii) the need to fulfill a contract or a legal obligation to which we are subject; (iii) the opportunity to retain data in light of our legal position (for example, with regard to time limits, disputes, or regulatory compliance checks).

X. Rights of the User

Pursuant to the GDPR and Estonian regulations, the user can, in the manner and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights in relation to his or her personal data:

   Request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him/her (right of access)
   To learn its origin
   Receive intelligible communications
   To have information about the criteria, the methods, and the purposes of the processing
   Request the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including that no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which it was collected
   In cases of consent-based processing, receive any support at-cost for data on yourself that has been provided to the Data Controller, in a structured and readable form, complied by a data processor, and in a format commonly available on electronic devices
   Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority
   As well as, more generally, exercise all the rights that are recognized by the current provisions of law

Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller. In particular, the user can exercise his or her rights in regard to the processing of personal data by accessing the site, for example, by changing your online profile, or by canceling your subscription to our Newsletter, or by contacting the Data Controller at the address provided above. We will respond to the request in accordance with the applicable laws. Users are invited to indicate in their request which personal data they wish to have modified, to inform us if they prefer that such data be deleted from our database, or to specify what limitations they wish to put on our use of their personal data. It is important to note that we may need to retain certain information for registration purposes and/or to complete the transactions initiated by users prior to requesting a change or cancellation.

XI. Special Information for Parents

The site is not intended for children, as required by applicable laws, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from minors. However, Translaze undertakes to comply with the provisions of the law where these require the authorization of a parent or guardian to collect, use, or disclose the personal data of minors. We are committed to protecting the privacy of minors and we encourage parents and guardians to play an active role in their children's activities and interests on the net.

If a parent or guardian becomes aware that a minor child has provided us with their personal data without your consent, we invite you to contact the Data Controller at the address provided below. If we learn that a minor has provided us with their personal data, we shall remove it from our files.

XII. Data Controller

The Data Controller — in accordance with the GDPR and other Estonian data protection laws, as well as other provisions on data protection — is Translaze OÜ, Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Estonia, which can be contacted at the following email address:

Data Processor for processing is Wix web hosting wich address is 40 Namal Tel Aviv St., Tel Aviv 6350671, Israel

XIII. Data Protection Officer

Translaze OÜ appointed Mr. Jose Manuel González Santana as its Data Protection Officer (DPO). The DPO can be reached at the following address:

XIV. Updates

This privacy policy was updated on March 16, 2021.

Terms and Conditions

Our Guarantee

Translaze offers explicit guarantees on quality and delivery dates.

If you are not satisfied with a job, we will provide another version as quickly as possible at our expense. If the second version is still unacceptable, you shall have the right to a partial or total reimbursement. The conditions and procedures for contesting a job are described below.

Sales conditions

These general sales conditions apply to all jobs carried out by Translaze OÜ for its clients.

All translation requests must be accompanied by an order including the price established by the parties. This order must be sent to us by email; we reserve the right to refuse to start a job without an order.

Technical documents shall be accompanied by reference documents supplied by the client and/or drawings or diagrams that provide a better understanding of such documents.

The cost of a translation shall be calculated using a count of words in the source language unless otherwise previously established in writing.

In the event that a client cancels an order, all work already effected shall be billed at 100%, while work that is suspended shall be billed at 50%.

Unless otherwise specified, all invoices must be paid within five working days from the date they are issued.

Any late payment or failure to pay shall be cause for immediate collection of the entire amount due from the client, without previous notice or other formalities. Moreover, the client must reimburse any expenses Translaze UG. incurs to settle the case.

All work in progress and all orders in progress shall be suspended in the event of late payment.

Translaze OÜ. shall not be held liable for any reason whatsoever for translations which are not stylistically satisfactory. Particularly for advertising and promotional material, the services of Translaze OÜ. shall be limited to simple translation, unless expressly requested. Translaze OÜ. shall not be liable for drafting the translated text in, for example, an advertising style that is different from the source text. Our liability shall be limited to the amount of the invoice.

Legal complaints shall only be taken into consideration if received by registered mail with return receipt within seven days of delivery of the job(s) or part of the job(s). All complaints must be accompanied by the original documents, disputed translations, and a letter of explanation. Once the above time period has elapsed, the translation shall be considered correct.

In the event of an unsatisfied client where a complaint is made within the established deadlines, Translaze OÜ agrees, at its own expense, to deliver an edited version of the disputed translation within a timeframe equal to one third of that previously established for the job, plus one business day. This second document shall be used to judge the quality of the translation in order to establish the amount of reimbursement, at Translaze OÜ own discretion.

Translaze OÜ. shall not be held liable for any delays caused by malfunctioning faxes, modems, email and/or other mail or carriers, not directly controlled by Translaze OÜ.

In the event of late delivery where the time late is more than one third of the established delivery time, and in the event that the delay is directly and solely attributable to Translaze OÜ a reimbursement shall be paid, to be established between the parties, up to an amount of 100% of the job delivered late.

Defects present in one part of the translation shall not be grounds, for any reason whatsoever, for questioning the entire translation. Translaze OÜ reserves the right to make modifications to the translation in such case.

Only written agreements between the parties shall be taken into consideration. The Court of Munich shall have jurisdiction for all disputes. In the event of failure to pay, all representation of partial or total reproduction of such translation shall be deemed illegal. Translaze OÜ reserves the right to request immediate payment of the translation and compensation for copyright, where applicable, from a client who uses unpaid material.


Translaze OÜ and/or related suppliers do not acknowledge any guarantee or condition related to the services offered, including all implicit guarantees and conditions regarding salability, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-violation of third-party rights. Translaze OÜ and/or related suppliers shall not be liable, for any reason whatsoever, for special, indirect, or consequential damages or for any other damages of any type resulting from the loss of rights to use, loss of information, or lost profits, whether they result from the performance of a contract, negligence, or other detrimental actions, deriving from or in some way connected with the services of Translaze OÜ.

Use of Name.  In addition to any rights granted with respect to your Materials under this Agreement, Translaze may use your name and logo for the purposes of identifying you as a Company customer.



1. Upon client request, Translaze OÜ will provide hard copies of the translation(s) to be sent via mail within one working day. Hard copies will only be sent upon client approval of the completed translation(s) through the link provided to the client by email.


2. Once the documents are mailed to the client, the client shall be provided with a tracking number from Translaze OÜ, for easy tracking of documents during the mailing process.


3. Translaze OÜ shall not be responsible for any modifications or edits conducted to the documents after being approved by the client through our dedicated link.




If you wish to request for cancellation after placing an order, you should do this promptly. If we have not assigned your project to a translator, we will issue a 100% refund. But if we have already engaged a translator, then we are unable to accept your cancellation request. In most cases, we engage a translator as soon as we receive your order. If we haven’t we will do a full refund.


If you wish to do a partial cancellation for services not required, then we accept these requests if we have not already executed them. For example, if you have paid for hard copies but you would wish to have only the e-version, then we can refund the additional charges you paid for the hard copies, if we have not already mailed them. You should request for cancellation by sending an email to You can also chat with us online or call our phone.


For cancellation of interpretation services: If you cancel within 48 hours of assignment time, we will deduct 50% of the total amount as cancellation charges and refund the remaining amount. If you cancel within 24 hours of assignment time, 100% cancellation fee applies for all cancelled projects.


Edit Requests

You can request edits (synonyms, word preferences, spelling of names not provided when ordering and illegible words in a scan) to your translated documents. We will make the edits promptly. Such edits will be done as many times as requested. All languages allow numerous ways to phrase words and therefore we are open to your feedback. We will edit your translated documents based on your feedback. But we are unable to issue a refund or do a chargeback.


Errors Or Mistranslation

We guarantee the highest accuracy on all our translations. We follow a strict quality control process to ensure that your translated documents are error-free and there is no mistranslation. If you spot an error or mistranslation in your document, contact us immediately. We will immediately rectify the errors in your mistranslated document.


·       Name spellings (if not provided) and word preferences do not construe as mistranslations or errors. No refund will be allowed for name spellings (when not provided earlier) and word preferences.


·       If you wish to reject the translation and request a refund due to an error or mistranslation, then we allow such a refund only if it reasonably determines that our quality standards were not met and our proofreading process failed.


·       After we acknowledge that it fails our quality standards promised to you, we will issue a refund to the extent of the quality compromised. Under any circumstance, our liability will always be limited to fixing the errors or providing a refund. Anuvada  will not have any other liability or indemnity obligations.


Missing Pages

We follow a strict quality control process to make sure we do not miss anything while translating your documents. But if you receive your translations and notice a page or section missing, contact us immediately and we will fix it soon. If we are unable to turnaround the missing sections within our promised timeframe, we will communicate this to you and provide you with the option to refuse the missing translations and instead receive a partial refund, calculated for the missing sections.


If you have not paid for DTP or not provided a clear scan, we cannot guarantee a 100% mirror image. We therefore cannot issue a refund for such complaints. If the scanned image is blurry, we only do plain text translation.


Interpreting Terms

Please remember interpreters will always limit themselves to providing verbal interpretations of what is being said. They will not provide further explanations or give opinions. As such, if the context is required, it should only be for the purpose of choosing proper terms.


Delivery Delay

We strive to complete all our translations as soon as we receive them, in most cases less than 24 hours. But we cannot guarantee an exact delivery time for all the orders. If we have not expressly agreed to a 24-hour delivery, you are not entitled to reject any delivery, citing delays. If we have expressly agreed to a 24-hour delivery, then you are entitled to a refund amount determined by the delay period calculated after the 24th hour. If the delay is less than 24 hours from the committed delivery time, we will issue a 10% refund. If the delay is more than 24 hours from the committed delivery time, we will issue a refund of 15%. 


Translaze OÜ
Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Estonia

Company Registration Number: EE16673014
VAT-Id-No.  EE102586419

Tel: +34667669236

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